I am pleased to welcome Alisha Parnell to be my guest author with her review and rate on an animation film about a comedic family going through growing pains.
Mitchells vs. Machines
Mitchells versus machines is a wonky story about a dysfunctional family. The oldest child Katie is a filmmaker who is excited to attend college far away from her family. Rick is the father who seems to love the wilderness more than getting to know his daughter. Linda is the mama bear mom who wishes her family was as perfect as her neighbors. Aaron is the quirky younger brother who is adorably obsessed with dinosaurs. The movie starts off with Katie getting ready to leave for college. She and Rick get into a major fight the day before. To try and make it up to her he decides to take the family on a road trip to get her to school. The trip starts off rocky, but then they all seem to be enjoying the time together. When they least expect it, a robot apocalypse takes place. Katie and her dad fight about what to do constantly while Aaron and Linda try to keep the peace. Along the way, they make friends and learn more about being a family. By the end of the movie, Katie and her family are closer than ever.
I initially watched this movie to just have something on while I ate. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I actually enjoyed watching it. The characters are very weird but in a good way. The family dynamics are realistic and remind me of what a real family would be like. I enjoyed watching the family finally finding a groove that works for them and their quirkiness. What works for others does not always work for you personally and I think the movie does a good job of teaching people that. We are all different, but that does not make one family better than the other. I really like that they touched a bit on sexuality. They did not do anything big, but that is also why I appreciated it. They did not make the movie based on anybody’s sexuality, it was just part of a person. It was simple and nonchalant.
The animations really threw me off at first. They are very unique and at times very trippy. Some things would look realistic as if it was not animated while other things were obviously animated. I think the animations kept people on their toes and hypnotized in a way. I really enjoyed watching this family movie and would recommend it. I ended up watching it twice and would not mind watching it for the third time.
Great post! I am extra intrigued by this review.